Tooth extraction is the removal of a tooth from the mouth. There are many reasons your dentist may recommend that an extraction is performed.
Reasons for tooth extraction:
Extractions range from simple to complex. When the tooth that needs to be removed is visible in the mouth, a simple extraction is called for. This can usually be performed with local anesthesia.
When the tooth that needs to be removed is still under the gum or has broken off at the gum line, a surgical extraction is indicated. This procedure is commonly performed by a maxillofacial surgeon under local anesthesia.
For pain control following surgical extractions, your oral surgeon may prescribe prescription pain medication. In most cases, post-surgical pain and discomfort subside after a couple of days and full healing takes one to two weeks.
How we do it?
During your first visit, your dentist or oral surgeon will take x-rays and obtain a detailed medical history. Sometimes, antibiotics will be prescribed prior to the procedure. He or she will explain the reason for your extraction, the type of procedure required and what you can expect during and after the procedure.
During the second visit, the extraction will be performed. The procedure will vary depending on the specifics of your case.
A follow-up visit may be scheduled to remove stitches, if necessary, and check on healing.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about tooth extractions or to schedule an oral health consultation with us.